
Periodic Table Click on each element for its history, sources, compounds, uses and isotopes. How new elements are named, etc.
WebElements This comprehensive site covers elements from 1-118 and features great detail, illustrations, virtual reality and periodic properties, plus more.
Exploratorium – Excellent Resources
Eisenhower Consortium for Math and Science
The Science Page Amazing number of sites, organized by topic, for the k-12 classroom
American Museum of Natural History
Franklin Institute – Science Museum
The Human Body Adventure
NOAA – National Oceans and Atmospheres Administration – follow along with current government expeditions, learn about oceanographic exploration technologies, and become acquainted with many of the awe-inspiring life forms living beneath the waves. Great site!
Virtual Frog Dissection Interactively dissect a digitized frog, make movies, play the Virtual Frog Builder Game. Also, links to sites related to frogs.
The Role of Analogies in teaching science –
Paleontology Museum information, sounds and images related to museum’s collection of fossils, dinosaurs and more.
Biomes of the World an Evergreen Project site
Volcano World info on volcanoes of the world, volcanic parks and monuments, lesson plans, current events.
Weather Underground forecasts for selected regions and cities, maps of US by temperature, fronts, pollen counts, etc.
Hall of Planet Earth Part of the American Museum of Natural History
Cells Alive
Digital Library for Earth System Education

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